Ayodhya Ram Mandir :13 Nights/14 Days: List of places to Visit:Varanasi –Allahabadi- Ayodhya - Lucknow -Agra Taj Mahal–Brindavan-Nikungevan-Govind Mandir-Mathura -Birth Place of Lord Krishna-Rajasthan-Jai Pur--Haridwar-Gangaes River-Rishikesh-Lakshman Jhu
Ayodhya is one of the major holy cities of Hinduism in Uttar Pradesh. It is said that Ayodhya is the Ram Janmabhoomi means the birth place of Lord Rama and the setting of the epic Ramayana. The epic there describes the Rama's fourteen-year exile and his victory over the evil and retur